Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Things I Adore, Things I Abhor

Wombat reminded me that I haven't done this post in awhile. Not that she wanted to read it, she just wanted to fancy it up and sell it over on her blog. Good on her.

5 Things I Adore:

  • Maraschino cherries. Left over from the infamous Oh Henry! bars I made for work. Adding a whole new dimension to the crappy Absolut New Orleans.

  • Christmas picture cards (or Christmas cards with pictures). Why do we only share once a year? Warning! Boom is thinking about sending out a summer picture. He's all about busting up tradition.

  • Pete McCarthy. Author of McCarthy's Bar and The Road to McCarthy. If you can't travel, hitch a ride with Pete. The search for his Irishness within his English self reminds me of my Canadian/American issues and he is funny.

  • Having 2 vacation days left. I will work no more Mondays until 2008. The Man can suck it.

  • Friends who listen. Thanks for listening to me for the past 5 days. You ALL know who you are.

5 Things I Abhor:

  • Being clumsy. Liquids are not safe around me. And my 2007 Christmas Card list is now lost to the ages.

  • Being dizzy. Only 3 weeks to go before I see the physical therapist. Please goddess let her fix me on the 11th. I'm over it.

  • Being guilty. So I'm not going to be guilty any more. I'm taking care of me first. The rest of you can get in line and fill out the appropriate forms. In triplicate.

  • Being slack. That resume isn't going to update itself, unfortunately. Can't get away from The Man without it. Word.

  • Being alone. The next guy is going to feel like a stud because I'll be zero to O in under a minute. Guaranteed. No need to form a line, just knock.

Let's face it, even if the maraschino cherries are floating in some serious alcohol, they aren't going to beat the long dry spell. Abhor wins.

Tell all your single friends, dizzy, clumsy, and EASY.

XO, JamieSmitten


Anonymous said...

I would like "Boom For All Seasons" cards. Think Michelle Pfeiffer in Grease 2.

Rebecca Hickman said...

Glad I'm not the only one! I'm clumsy, too, so I avoid glass containers.

wombat said...

OF COURSE i wanted to read it! i wanted to read it, and copy it shamelessly. no fancying up, either.

can't believe you still haven't seen the dizzy doctor. damn this socialised medicine!!

Anonymous said...

Remember Elaine put maraschino cherries in champagne? Talk about ghetto fabulous.

My dad had a horrid bout of vertigo earlier this month. So bad he could hardly lift his head from the pillow. Turns out it was some kind of viral thing in his inner ear.

I actually stopped using our tall water glasses and specifically bought plastic ones for myself. Clumsy: See Amanda.

Grass is always greener. I often envy my single friends for their freedom.

JamieSmitten said...

Aimless: As soon as I get a cool (ool ool ool) rider, Boom will don the pup of all seasons headdresses.

404ever: I've found glasses that don't break when I knock them over in the living room. Still makes a mess though....

Wombat: Sigh. At least I only seem to be dizzy every other day. Some might say that was an improvement.

Manda: Vertigo sucks -- my sympathies to your dad. As for grass/greener -- too true. I think I'm just ready to switch it up a bit.

JamieSmitten said...

Aimless: As soon as I get a cool (ool ool ool) rider, Boom will don the pup of all seasons headdresses.

404ever: I've found glasses that don't break when I knock them over in the living room. Still makes a mess though....

Wombat: Sigh. At least I only seem to be dizzy every other day. Some might say that was an improvement.

Manda: Vertigo sucks -- my sympathies to your dad. As for grass/greener -- too true. I think I'm just ready to switch it up a bit.

Anonymous said...

I told a single friend...

wombat said...

yay manda!!!!