Monday, January 28, 2008

One More Year to Go.....

Dear sweet baby Jesus it is 10:00 p.m. and that idiot is STILL TALKING.

How could you people seriously vote him in for 8 years? You should be ashamed.


Anonymous said...

Is it sad that I totally forgot that the Pres was on last night? I went to a Bible Study/Book club meeting thing and then came home and watched TLC. I didn't even attempt regular channels!

Honestly, Jamie, I just couldn't clearly see 4 more years down the road 4 years ago. I'm being very careful in my decision this time around and doing lots of research...which evil is the least.........................

wombat said...

reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker, that lists the vote tallies for kerry and bush. and states:


ahamos said...

No two-term president in recent history has been lauded for his performance during his tenure. Only through the filter of history can we see the achievements of any of our presidents.

Reagan was hated for "Reaganomics" and the trickle-down economy, the "war on drugs", for his SDI funding and war-mongering, but he's remembered as a hero for toppling Communism. What beat Communism? His economic policies.

Clinton was impeached. Impeached. Let me repeat that: Impeached. But everybody talks about how great he was. Did we forget about the cruise missiles, bombing embassies, the USS Cole, and non-confrontational warfare tactics in Somalia? The quasi-blind eye he cast on Serbia?

Bush Jr. started his tenure by winning a chess game with the Chinese, scrambling to help the non-appreciative Russians with the Kursk, and an extremely supportive Congress.

But then the tech bubble burst. Unemployment skyrocketed. Funny-looking men with tea-cozies for hats knocked down our big buildings. We got bad intelligence. A big storm hit a corrupt city. And somehow we're expected to believe that all of that is the personal fault of the president. So why hasn't he been impeached?

I, for one, do not feel and have not ever felt deceived by the current administration. I work in the government: they're all generally incompetent and they don't share data.

I won't apologize for my vote.

Now this year is something entirely different: there's not one single viable candidate that comes close to representing what I think the country needs. Not one. The only one that doesn't terrify me is Barack Obama, and he's a buffoon for declaring that he'd send troops into Pakistan without permission.

So in 4 years, when some other set of unfavorable circumstances has the media's undivided attention, who will be forced to apologize?

Anonymous said...

Great comment, Adrian. I agree that we never like an 8-year president. All two term presidents spend (republican or democrat) the first four years winning the country over and the second four years going nuts with their agenda - what are we gonna do? Not re-elect them?

I also agree that nothing happening in the world can be solely blamed on the pres. I'd feel that way regardless of who the pres is. He is only one person -look at all the mistakes and bad decisions we each make. It is impossible to know everything about every situation which is why an outstanding cabinet is essential.

Okay - enought about politics for me. I need to figure out who in the current races scares me the least...