Monday, October 06, 2008

Goodbye My Grumbly Puck

Slayer of lizard, snake, and bug. Connoisseur of carrots and ice cubes. Grumbler of the highest order. Founder of the canine cocktail hour.
I will miss you under my feet, by my side, and giving best boy stinky kisses.
199? - 2008

XO, Jamiesmitten


Valerie said...

I don't think I ever met Puck, but I know he and Amy made friends quick - which is impressive. Please tell Mom, I'm sorry for her loss.

March2theSea said... sad.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for the tribute to Pucky...made me cry again...great picture. Puck will have a special place in the history of our family pets.
love Mom

wombat said...

what a good smooch. perhaps he's now hanging out with caesar and fizz?

Aimless is More said...

I am so sorry for you and your mum's loss, but also so sad. Puck was a sweet boy, except when I moved my feet as he waited under my chair. (He no like that... Grumble.)

I also liked his smile he got on his dirty muzzle when he realized that "yes!" you were going to share your food with him.

And I liked when he would run and jump on the bed. Until I realized that it was bad for him. And lifted him.

Cocktail hour will never be the same.