Friday, October 03, 2008

I Am

It must have been a long, crappy week at work, because I think the above is hysterical. I may even buy the t-shirt.
  • Started back to bootcamp on 10/1. Knee is sore, but stable. My ass hurts. I hate lunges.
  • Had my picture taken today at work with the knowledge that it will be photoshopped into a picture of the Bride of Frankenstein and sent out via email to the entire department. Oh sure, I'll get a $40 gift card for being the Talk of the Town, but is that really the price of humiliation these days?
  • Watched the Ex-List tonight. Had some funny moments -- the break up song was CLASSIC -- "Revenge is better than love!" -- but hard to not start thinking about my exes. And that, my friends, is a depressing thought. Rest assured, I will NOT be imitating TV and tracking them down.
  • Didn't get to sleep until 3 a.m. this morning thanks to loudly partying asshat neighbors. I WILL be the cranky old bitch next time and call the cops. And your music sucks.
  • Won a quarter off a gambling addict co-worker. I think of it as a life lesson for him and a small source of income for me. He has yet to make me pay up when I call the flip incorrectly, but I think I can take him if he tries as he wears a fleece vest.
  • I have begun a flirtation with a GreenSingles man. He seems normal and has cows. In Maine. Don't even pretend you wouldn't come visit me on the farm. I wonder if I can get Greek yogurt there? Must inquire. Send positive thoughts -- I need some longterm man loving.
  • Puppysat Zeus and Rocky. Two stuffed animals died a gruesome death across the living room floor. Boom got his hump on and has been limping slightly since. Even puppies have to pay to play it seems.
  • Received a work-related email from someone who rode the same bus in ninth grade. I forced him to admit the connection, but seriously, he doesn't remember me dating his friend for a month? My name is pretty uncommon.
  • Looked up that friend and found that he is a brewmaster with several restaurants in Atlanta. Sure, he was short, but maybe I should have overlooked that.
  • Yogurt covered pretzels. Possibly, the highlight of the week thus far. No, maybe it was winning the quarter.
  • Until tomorrow -- when I get to go to the State Fair with my niece and brother-in-law. If my niece does not wake up with the fever she had tonight. If they do come for the fair, I am definitely taking my camera. I will not be taking a picture of the pork parfait. You are welcome.

Tell all your single friends, Smitten is home on a Friday night because retreat seemed the best option.

XO, JamieSmitten


wombat said...

-with a quarter, it's all about the principle -- they lost and you won. monetary amount is irrelevant.
-cowman rocks. we'll be there with bells on. so zam can't sneak up and pounce on the cows.
-em is a dolt.
-dl never would've worked, seems he prefers a more eastern flavor.
-be sure to try the chicken fried bacon!

Anonymous said...

I have two friends who live in Maine (different parts). You would love them both. Vanessa's a fabulous knitter and makes yummy baked goods. Dustin loves movies and is a big bleeding heart.

March2theSea said...

call the cops on the bastards next time..give em a little extra time if they figure out some cool music though..