Monday, January 05, 2009


I took my car into the dealership on Friday for a front headlight bulb. I had been informed of the outage before Christmas but just didn't have time to get to it. That is what fog lights are for, right? I've got light on both sides -- just a little lower and smaller!

$49.36 and 45 minutes in a waiting room with two completely ill-mannered children and I was restored to my former well-lit glory.

Until this morning when I departed for Boot Camp in the dark and realized that now my LEFT headlight bulb is blown out. Apparently my light bulbs are Romeo and Juliet. Sigh.

On the plus side, I did 15 not too shabby push-ups today. But you really should have seen the kick lunges. I felt like I was auditioning for the Ministry of Silly Walks.

Tell all your single friends, save time, change all the bulbs at once.

XO, JamieSmitten

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