Thursday, January 08, 2009

You Won't Believe It!

Because I don't! Guess what I did at 5:30 this morning? JOGGED. I know. I'll wait while you pick your chin up off the floor.

So I was sort of tricked into it. KickYourAssJennifer said, "Hey! Come to the Thursday walking club! It will be just like going out but without the drinks!" Trust me, she's incredibly hard to deny. This is undoubtedly why she is such a great trainer.

Anyhoo, I fell for it, so I was in my workout gear and at the field by 5:20. After everyone arrived we set off with a similar speed companion. Of course, KickYourAssJennifer neglected to mention that my companion was part giraffe. Seriously. Her legs ended at my waistband. I had neglected to broadcast my minuscule stride. The stride length of a fifth grader, or thereabouts. So a brisk walk for those two ended up being a steady jog for me. A seemingly never ending jog. They told me it was about a mile and a half, but I will need to drive that course because it had to have been longer. Felt longer.

It didn't kill me, so I might do it again.

Isn't that a great personal philosophy? Feel free to adopt it yourself!

On an unrelated note (because this started happening to me long before I jogged), my underwear kept falling down at work. It started out in the right place, but every chair shift or room change left me with underwear at half mast in the back. So annoying. Is it just me? And no, it isn't really old underwear and it does have proper elastic at the top. Over share?

Now I really must get back to writing my "Self Appraisal." This is an annual torture visited upon me by my employer. Results, Strengths, Development Opportunities. I'm leaning towards:

Smitten did lots of important and not so important things for mediocre pay and without going postal.

Sadly, I must provide examples. Before 7 a.m. tomorrow. Yes, you clever dog, "stop procrastinating" is my Development Opportunity.

Tell all your single friends, I'd pay $50 for someone to write this for me.

XO, JamieSmitten


Anonymous said...

Shoot, I could probably send you one of my old self appraisals to use. Just swap your name for mine as well as a few other key proper nouns and you'd be set.

Your underwear issue might be sizing. Sounds like your britches are getting too big for you. The only loose undies I've ever had were a size too large.

Scott from Oregon said...

Loose undies?


christina said...

You really need to write a book!! I laugh so hard when I read your blog, my stomach hurts, or soda shoots thru my nose!! Sorry, TMI!