Monday, November 06, 2006


Monday mornings are bad enough without the crunch of tiny bones underfoot. And yes, you can quote me on that.

I brought this on myself. In a conversation with my neighbor on Saturday, I bragged about my lack of infestation. Every year when it gets cold, the little furry freeloaders try to find the best accommodations in the neighborhood. I keep the house cold and food free to deter them. It usually works. Until three weeks ago when I was standing in the kitchen and a brazen intruder ran from the dining room into the kitchen and behind the refrigerator. I was calm. I walked to the sink and threw up. Then I called Neighbor John. Neighbor John handles these things. I water his plants and feed his fish when he is on vacation and he deals with dead things. So far, this deal has worked mostly in his favor (see cold and barren plan above). Neighbor John delivered a sticky trap the next day and promised to come handle whatever got caught in the trap. Turns out NOTHING got caught in the trap. Turns outs a 105 lb dog walking on an oriental throw rug is just as effective. The sad part is that Boom was fussing with the rug when we got up at 6:30 and decided to go back to bed, so I think the actual murder occurred several hours before it was discovered. So we got back up at 8:30 and I went down to the basement to get my clean laundry. When I came back up, arms full of clothes, I walked towards the kitchen and crunch. Boom had decided to uncover the victim and leave him displayed. Whether or not my final blow was the cause of his intestines extruding from his nether regions, we'll never know. I was wearing shoes, thank goodness. Boom had one confirmed assist in rodent killing (scared a squirrel into traffic) and I think this makes two. So, Neighbor John was alerted and he came and did his Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction impersonation. RIP Mickey, RIP.

Tip of the Day: Don't google dead mouse images. I'm still dry heaving. Dead mice in every possible state of decay. Dead mice held by small children -- grinning small children. Armies of dead mice. Mice making it with dead mice. Oh, the horror.


Crankster said...

Our cat's are usually the guilty parties. Thankfully, they tend to eat most of the little critters. Unfortunately, they also tend to leave the intestines lying around the living room.

JamieSmitten said...

Which is why I don't have a cat -- I couldn't deal. At all. p.s. I enjoyed your post about q-tip usage. I have a bad q-tip habit (you don't want to know), but I would NEVER run out. Cheers. JSmitten