Monday, July 28, 2008

Strange Things I Have Read Lately

On Craigslist, Casual Encounters section:

Into Rollplay [Mmmm. Me too -- if croissants count!]

On the back of a Fantastic World Foods Tabouli Salad Mix box:

6. Sprinkle bread crumbs and cheese mixture over tomatoes willingly. [Heaven help those who sprinkle begrudgingly or with reckless abandon]

In eHarmony profiles:

How Joe typically spends his leisure time:

"I do enjoy in door games." [And exactly how many games can be played in door? Or in door way, for that matter]

One thing that only Michael's best friends know is:

I like carrot cake.

Some additional information Michael wanted you to know is:

I avoid too much sun. [Damn! There goes my vision of a perfect dream man, eating carrot cake in the sun]

From my cell phone text inbox:

you mean the tall handicapped ones? [Yes. I meant those ones EXACTLY]

Tell all your single friends, RIF!*

XO, JamieSmitten

*Reading is Fundamental (for you younger readers)

1 comment:

wombat said...

ooh i'm into rollplay too -- especially those cinnamon rolls in the tube that explodes when you bang it on the counter, and has that gooey icing.... mmmmmmmm.....