Monday, November 05, 2007

Not Dead, Just in Hiding

Ahhhhhhhhh. Vacation. It comes so infrequently and feels so lovely.

I've been away from the corporate masters for 4 days now and it feels mighty fine. O.K., I had to work for an hour on Sunday, but that was just to save myself from a HUGE mountain of crap when I return to the office.

I had plenty of bloggerrific thoughts during my 13 hour drive to Vacation, but most have been lost for eternity -- floating in a hot tub will do that to you. Here is some of what seemed important while on the road:

  • Dead or Alive was an AWESOME band. Somebody should enrich her cd collection with Youthquake posthaste.

  • For a Halloween spent in the car, only hearing Monster Mash and Thriller once each on the radio is pretty darn good.

  • The Sexual Excitement Assortment available from dispensing machines in restrooms gets cheaper the further south you drive. I'd be interested to hear if this is an east coast phenomenon....

  • City style is not country style. Or perhaps, JamieSmitten style is not country style. Real conversational exchange: "Did you do that to your hair for Halloween?" "No. My hair is like this 365." "In that case, I like it." Sadly, he was the minority. How insular is a community if my two tone hair is the talk of the ENTIRE lunch crowd?

  • Clouds are pretty. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sadly, I didn't get any good Driving Cloud pictures. Hopefully, the return trip home will offer some opportunities.

  • Cruise control is not the devil's plaything. Fine, you win, Technology. Yes, cruise control is helpful. Although it still feels like being on a trolley.

  • Dogs only have health issues AFTER they visit the vet. Boom got a clean bill of health on Saturday before the trip and arrived at Vacation with a whopping aural hematoma. Local vets have been less than helpful, so Boom carries around a blood balloon ear until we get back home to Dr. Gray. He's a trooper and is enjoying his vacation despite. Thank goodness he only has 2 ears.

  • The 2 things I knew I needed were the 2 things I forgot to pack. Back in Black by AC/DC has been with me on every road trip ever. First cassette, then cd. 120 cds with me and I forget the classic. sigh. My favorite Christmas present from last year was also supposed to be first in the car, but got left in the bedroom. I know what you are thinking and to punish you, the picture of said favorite Christmas present from last year has been hidden here.

  • Gas prices are outrageous, yet all the cars who blocked my view of the road ahead and moved into my lane without indicating were by and large, gas guzzling SUVs. Seriously, people, get over your car status symbols.

  • 95 through Jacksonville deserves some sort of medal for longest road improvement without improvement project.

  • There is a state park for everyone:
I've been known to favor them. : )

  • I should have been a long distance truck driver because 13 hours in the car is way better than how I usually spend my day. Must look into that.

There will be more vacation pictures in the near future. But for now, back to the hot tub.

Tell All Your Single Friends, JamieSmitten's in hot water -- and loving it!

XO, JamieSmitten


Crankster said...

I love the way random thought flicker in and out of your head as you drive. That, and the fact that you get to find such wonderfully surreal things.

You get some serious points for Faver-Dyke State Park!

Anonymous said...

Lay off the SUV cracks, woman.

The Husband and Little A went looking for you the other night (not realizing you were playing hooky). Little A kept asking were Jamie and "BOOM" were.