Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bad Seagull

Let's be clear: I like birds. I just don't like them near me. Yes, I did see The Birds without parental supervision and it scared the bejesus out of me. [Note: I watched it a few years ago and while it was still atmospherically creepy, I no longer fear birds pecking through house walls to get me. Much.] I just don't like them flying around my head because I don't know what they are going to do. As this Youtube video proves, they are capable of plotting. And I'm way tastier than a bag of chips.

Tell all your single friends to keep an eye on the sky -- and on their snack food!

XO, JamieSmitten

1 comment:

wombat said...

nothing to say, i just wanted to see the tiny photo of peep in the comment section!!

p.s. i think you DON'T in fact like birds.