Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today and Every 56 Days

I should volunteer more. I used to walk dogs at the SPCA, but a work move made it nearly impossible to get across town before they closed for the evening. So, I stop by once a month and fill the treat jars with premium biscuits and provide some loving attention.

I've volunteered at the Central Virginia Food Bank and plan to do it again. It is kind of soothing for this Montessori child to pluck cans of vegetables from a big bin and then stack them with other like minded cans in the store area. Bringing order to the world on a small scale.

I've worked on three Habitat for Humanity houses sponsored by my employer, the Man. Working side by side with the homeowners, I've learned to apply siding, install insulation, table saw really big boards into slightly smaller boards, and move scaffolding to every side of a house. More importantly, I've helped to build homes.

But the easiest volunteer activity? I give blood. Every 56 days, give or take a day for scheduling. And please don't think I'm one of those super tough "it doesn't hurt" kind of people. It isn't the most fun part of my day, but it is easy and so, so necessary. Plus, you can sit at the little table afterwards and eat all the Fig Newtons and drink all the Donald Duck orange juice you want. They won't kick you out. Because you just saved three lives with your 1 donation.

Final incentive? According to the Virginia Blood Services website FAQ, since a pint of blood weighs 1 pound, you actually lose a pound every time you donate blood. So think how many more Fig Newtons you can eat!

Tell ALL your single (and married) friends...that you are a donor!

XO, Jamiesmitten

1 comment:

ahamos said...

There are few things in all the world that really give me the eebie-jeebies, and watching my blood flow is absolutely #1 on the list.

I've never been able to figure out why, as having a gushing wound doesn't bother me in the least. But something about the notion that I've allowed someone to shove a needle into my flesh and intentionally extract blood just induces the strongest pain and nausea sensations. I lose the ability to focus on anything other than escape.

And the worst part: I've never even donated blood. This is just from my experience having blood-work done at the doctor's office.

I've been putting off some very vital blood-work for 8 months because I'm just not man enough for it.

And there you've just learned a little known fact about Adrian.