Thursday, September 06, 2007

Things I Adore, Things I Abhor

The second in an admittedly short series (which started here)

5 Things I Adore Today:
  • 4 day work weeks! (an extra day away from the Man)
  • Friends who write checks in exchange for cash to help you out of a self-induced internet bank account deficit (Stephano -- 2 Adores in a row! In truth, I adore you every day)
  • Chunky peanut butter (I used to be a creamy girl!)
  • Purple Rain album (Baby, I'm a STAR!)
  • Monarch of the Glen, a BBC series (I'm going to Glenbogle before I die)

5 Things I Abhor Today:

  • Short sighted, narrow minded, just plain WRONG HEADED self-important middle management who don't hire the best, smartest, most wonderful woman for the job (Wombat -- you were robbed! Better opportunities are on the horizon)
  • Meetings in which people talk for over an hour and NOTHING gets decided (Sadly, this is a daily occurrence when you work for the Man)
  • Stepping off the elliptical before the time runs out (It isn't hard or painful, so why don't I just suck it up and do the full time? Slacker, thy name is JamieSmitten)
  • Dry, itchy dog fur (Boom is positively terrorizing his tail region with chewing. Clearly, the fish oil has not solved the problem)
  • Meeting friends while walking the Boom in a ratty t-shirt, shapeless shorts, and a post-elliptical "glow" (They didn't avoid me, but they were upwind)

Tough call. I'm going to declare it a draw today, mainly because of Wombat's job misfortune. However as the Rev reminded me on the phone today, it is all about finding the small joys in every day. The search begins anew tomorrow.

1 comment:

wombat said...

thanks for the abhoration today. while all is not lost (yet), tomorrow is indeed another day. and my small joys are indeed large and very furry. and my friends are clearly amazing. so ultimately, life is good.